What can I expect at ANC 8C’s monthly public meetings?
ANC 8C’s monthly public meetings are an opportunity to meet neighbors, speak with city officials, and voice your concerns on neighborhood matters.
Meetings typically include:
Commissioner and Community Announcements
Public safety reports from the Metropolitan Police Department
Updates from government officials, agencies, nonprofits, community leaders, and residents
Proposals for future business items for ANC 8C consideration
Formal Business
Current agenda items for Commission discussion and vote, including:
Residential and commercial building permits
Special exceptions and zoning variances
Liquor licenses and renewals
Traffic and safety concerns
General proposals and recommendations to the District government
I am blind, deafblind, or hard of hearing. Are meetings accessible?
Yes! Please email the Chair seven (7) days before the meeting with the following information:
Which type(s) of communication accessibility you are requesting:
Captions/CART, ASL/American Sign Language, PTASL/ProTactile American Sign Language, CDI/Certified Deaf Interpreter, Low Vision Deaf Interpreter, Signed Exact English, Pidgin Signed English, Induction Loops, FM Systems, IR Systems, etc.Your contact information, including full name, phone number, and email address (if applicable).
Can I speak during a meeting?
Yes, community members are typically given two minutes to speak. The ANC Chairperson may limit discussion during community announcements due to time constraints or other circumstances.
How are meetings conducted?
All meetings are conducted using parliamentary procedure, specifically Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th edition).
Attendees are expected to maintain a courteous and professional demeanor. If you wish to participate in a discussion, follow these guidelines:
Wait for the Chairperson to recognize you before speaking.
Stand and state your name and street address before giving your opinion.
Be aware that the Chairperson may limit input from the audience based on time constraints or other circumstances.
How can I make a presentation to the Commission?
If you would like to have an item placed on the formal agenda, contact the Chair of the Commission as soon as possible, but no less than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting date.
If your proposal relates to a specific property, reach out to the Commissioner for the Single Member District (SMD) where the property is located.
Applicants should provide the following materials:
A summary of the proposed agenda item (What is the issue? What are you asking the Commission to consider or do?)
A copy of any application submitted to a District government agency, if applicable.
Evidence of notification to surrounding residential or commercial properties, including letters of support or opposition received.
A draft resolution, letter, or other document for the Commission’s consideration (materials may be provided in hard copy or email).
Your business card or contact information.